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The question that whether companies should go for traditional marketing or digital marketing to attract more customers still remains a question. Now whereas most of the big companies prefer to go with the traditional method they also market their products digitally to some extent. Meanwhile it is suggested for the startups or companies who are still in the process of brand building should go for digital marketing .Current survay says that over the last year or so traditional marketing had fallen nearly 160% while in the same time frame expenses for digital marketing increased over 14%..


There are many facet of traditional marketing which include tangible items such as business cards, print ads in newspapers or magazines. It can also include posters, commercials on TV and radio, billboards and brochures. The four phases of Traditional Marketing are Interest, Awareness, Desire, and Decision. Some of the important points defining traditional marketing is as follows-


• Traditional marketing is limited in terms of targeted audience/consumers as it is limited to local customers/consumers. It’s easy to reach out to local audience/consumers with the traditional marketing methods.
• Traditional marketing is more of a personal approach as it is very easy for marketers to have a person-to-person relationship in informing the public or promoting their brand’s name. Traditional marketing involves one-way communication as marketing mediums are quite rigid.
• Very less interaction between is involved in traditional marketing as the promotion mediums are not flexible enough to incorporate the customer’s interaction.
• Traditional marketing is expensive as it involves advertisements which cost more to the company.
• The result analysis is complex with traditional marketing as the companies need to rely on the surveys and the findings of the market. With traditional marketing methods, the company must wait for weeks or months to get the result. As traditional marketing methods does not provide real-time results, drafting the marketing strategy takes time as it is dependent on the marketing results.

Digital marketing

It  is the process of marketing through internet. This type of marketing strategy evolved very quickly due to the use of internet and mobile devices by the consumers. Now-a-days maximum of the consumers depend upon mobile devices or internet to search for any product or services .And here comes the concept of digital marketing. There are 4.54 billion internet users and 3.8 billion social media users all over the world. If we take all the users as consumers, it may be assumed that marketing online  through social media makes a lot of sense. Digital Marketing methods include website content, e-mail campaigns, content marketing,social media posts in facebook, twitter, instagram,printerest, youtube ad the likes,ad posts. affiliate marketing, search engine optimization(SEO). . Some of the important points defining traditional marketing is as follows-

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• Digital marketing lets you reach the targeted audience/consumers/customers locally as well as globally from all over the world.
• The physical presence of the marketers is not at all required in digital marketing. Yes physical presence will be a bonus . Digital marketing allows the marketer to reach the target consumers easily. Digital marketing allows both way communication between seller and buyer.
• Digital marketing, on the other hand, offers a number of digital platforms to the customers/buyers like social networking sites, e-commerce websites, different apps for collecting their feedback where they can put their views about the product(s)/service(s).
• Digital marketing is less costly than the traditional method of marketing .Everything is online and the use of social websites does not cost even a penny. Based on the marketing requirement the business can opt for paid ads if they want to.
• Online marketing or digital marketing gives quick results. It is easy to get real time marketing results. In digital marketing strategy refinement becomes very easy . The marketing team can opt to change or update their market strategy as per the market results. Online marketing helps to satisfy the customer and make the customer feel that they are being listened to and served as it promotes two way communication.

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To conclude digital marketing has taken over traditional marketing although both type of marketing are still practiced people are mostly inclined towards digital marketing due to its low cost, quick and real time marketing results and consumer interaction which is not possible in traditional marketing



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